
Saturday, July 5, 2008

Here's a funny story

Last Friday, I left the house to run to Target to get diapers. From my house to Target it takes about 5 minutes. So the entire trip took maybe 20 minutes. I figured I could get this errand done right before EJ's last swim lesson.

So as I am returning home, I turn the corner, into our driveway while the garage door is opening, but I stopped. I put the car in park and sat there for a minute looking out my window puzzled. On the left side of the driveway (the side that my husband parks on) is this mountain of dirt. HUGE PILE. Big enough that if he pulled in, his Jeep would not have been able to go any further because the pile of dirt was too high.

I thought to myself, is this a practical joke? I looked around and didn't see anyone, so I quickly called my neighbor, because she has a fantastic view from her kitchen window of our short little street. I asked her if she had seen a truck in our driveway, but she hadn't. I told her about the dirt and she immediately came out to investigate, but before she reached my yard, I spotted a white truck pulling a flatbed trailer, full of dirt, with no tailgate heading down our street. I yelled at my neighbor-"I'll be right back," and I quickly turned the car on and took off after him. I was certain he had backed into our driveway at some point to turn around, and had lost a load of his dirt and it irritated me!

I followed him down the road until he got to the dirt field area of our neighborhood. He turned onto a dirt road and I quickly followed, all the while honking my horn. He finally stopped and as I was turning off the engine I noticed that the dirt on his trailer was a different color than the dirt on my driveway which made me second guess myself. But I still got out and asked the man if he had backed up into a drive way at any point during his trip to the field. He looked at me like I was a little crazy and replied
"No, I didn't. Is everything okay?"
Realizing at this point I didn't have circumstantial evidence I sweetly said,
"Well I just got home and found this huge pile of dirt on our driveway, and when I saw you driving by, I thought maybe you had backed up into our driveway and I was just going to let you know that you had lost a bunch of your dirt."
He politely said " Well thanks, but we're just getting rid of this dirt, but we are coming from Thistle, (another street in our neighborhood)."
At that moment I considered asking him and the young men in the truck with him if they would mind coming to our house and shoveling it onto their trailer and hauling it away for me, but I decided that would be asking a lot.

So I returned home, and called my husband to see if he knew what was going on. He didn't answer. Well by this time I had to get EJ to his swim lesson. So we left. As I am pulling into the driveway of the pool my husband called me back and I told him what was going on. He started laughing and said he had no idea what was going on. So after swim lessons, my husband called again to tell me he figured out where the dirt had come from. Apparently, he had talked to a friend of his about our grass last week. The friend had recommended we use some topsoil on an area that was dying, and I guess his friend decided to be nice and bring some to us, which was really sweet. But he didn't call either of us to let us know!

Here's the funniest part of the whole story-
So that evening my husband was outside cutting the grass and applying the topsoil, when a white truck turns onto the street and stops in front of our house. A man gets rolls down the window and asks my husband if he lived here, and if that dirt on the driveway was his.
My husband started laughing and said "Yes, it is, are you the guy my wife chased down today?"
The guy laughed and said "Yeah, it surprised me, but when I came back down the street I saw what kind of dirt it was, and I was going to tell you if you didn't want it I'll take it!"
So my husband told him about the mix up with his friend, and apologized for me chasing him down.
Needless to say I am not proud of what I did, and I am so hoping I don't run into him at the grocery store or somewhere in our neighborhood!


Jackie said...

Oh my goodness. This is so hysterical! I can just picture you chasing that guy down...I would love to have seen his face! :) That would be just his luck to run into him at the store, huh? Bet he'd remember ya!

darci said...

that is so funny! it sounds like something i would do-and chances are good you WILL run into him again and he WILL recognize you-heehee! thanks for sharing your funny story. :)