
Wednesday, July 9, 2008

My Favorite Things About Today

My husband and I have started playing a little game. At night when we are laying in bed I ask him what his favorite part of the day was. After he has figured out what his was, he'll ask me the same question, and I always find it so difficult to choose one favorite part. So today I am going to share all of my favorite parts.

1. Waking up next to my hubby and hearing EJ calling us from his room
2. Sitting next to EJ at lunch and hearing him say "MMMMMMMM!!" as loud as he could when he took his first bite of the lunch I made him.
3. Waiting for about an hour for an appointment today only to find out that God had been there before me and realizing AGAIN...that he is my provider!
4. Going to the Farmers Market, YUM!
5. Driving home from San Juan, a little over an hour drive and listening to a couple of CD's from church and refreshing my spirit.
6. The BIG hug EJ gave me as I got him out of the car.

These are the little things that make me so happy!


Jackie said...

I LOVE hearing EJ say "MMmmmm" all dramatically. :) I took a video of it last time he was here...I need to send it to you.