
Thursday, July 10, 2008

Praise the God of Earth and Sky...

This morning we woke up to a slightly overcast day. The temperature was only 80 degrees, so I took EJ to the park. As we were walking we started praising God and thanking him for what we were seeing, and the trip became so full of thanksgiving, it made me realize how often I go through life taking for granted the little things.
We started off thanking Him for the day that He had created, for our health and legs that work so we are able to walk, our neighborhood and home, our neighbors and then it grew from there.

EJ saw a bird and started flapping his arms, so we thanked Him for the beautiful songs birds sing that our ears get to enjoy, and as he pointed to flowers, I saw the backdrop of green grass, and the blue sky and we thanked God for making such a beautiful color palette. Can you imagine what the world would be like if everything were black and white?

It carried on until we had thanked God for everything from vehicles that get us to and from, the other children at the park that EJ played with, the cool breeze we felt on our faces, the friendly smiles we got to share, and ultimately, for God's imagination. What a wonderful morning it was!

"I will praise you oh Lord my God with all my heart; I will glorify your name forever."
-Psalms 86:12


Jackie said...

That's awesome...I love that you're teaching EJ to be thankful so early on.

And one of the things I am most thankful for is your friendship! :)

Mrs.Naz@BecomingMe said...

That was a very sweet post. Thank you for joining the blog tour. Will you have your statement up today or tomorrow? Blessings. Angela

stacey said...

Praise the Lord!!!

~ That was such a sweet post:)